Happy Hump Day Love, Daddy fans!
Quick and important PSA: We are halfway through our Kickstarter campaign timeline, and are almost halfway to our goal - only 2 more weeks! Please, please support our project and contribute by clicking here - we have lots of fun rewards in the form of postcards, tees, totes and more, and for just $25, you can get a real live copy of the book in time for Father's Day!
Thank you! Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming... : D
As you know, our book was written by a dad, for his daughter. As such, we've focused mostly on the amazing relationship dads and their little girls share. But today, in honor of the success of our Kickstarter thus far, our author Mike wanted to pay a special tribute to his wife, and awesome mommy to his favorite little girl who inspired this whole crazy journey! Here are Mike's thoughts:
A little panda family portrait for our book, inspired by a real photo of Mike, his wife and daughter!
"I would be absolutely remiss if I were to continue blogging about my daughter without mentioning my better half. She teaches dozens of students a day, yet has the energy to come home everyday and be an amazing mother to a hyperactive and incredibly wily little 2 year old.
Not only does she handle this with grace and patience worthy of sainthood, but she also finds the resources to somehow handle my crazy business and travel schedule on top of it all. This blog entry is just to say thanks to the mother of my daughter and the love of my life. I wouldn't be here without you, and Cali and I are incredibly lucky to have you in our lives. You daddies out there, try and celebrate Mothers Day every day. She definitely deserves it!"
Have a great day, and remember to call or hug YOUR mommy or daddy today!